It’s that time of year when some of us are considering a monthly break from alcohol, or just to cut back for a bit after the festive excess. Planning ahead, stocking-up on alcohol free alternatives and enrolling your friends and family can really help to make your Dry January easier. Here are our top six tips to help you meet your goals.

What is your why?
Identifying the specific reason for why you want to take part in Dry January can help you refocus when someone tempts you with that glass of wine. It could be so you awake full of energy on a Saturday morning to get some exercise done or play with the kids. Maybe you want to save some money for an upcoming trip or new holiday or you just love the idea of having a New Year challenge. Whatever your reason, try writing it down to stick on your fridge or save as your phone screensaver as a reminder for next time you have a wobble.
Set yourself up for success
We only have a finite amount of willpower, so don’t make things harder on yourself. If you think you will be tempted by alcohol in the house, then give it to a friend for safe-keeping or stash it out of sight in the garage. If you have some events coming-up that you know will be boozy affairs and you are able to, then re-arrange them for later in the year. If you can’t postpone, then have a go-to response at the ready for if someone offers you a drink or take a tasty alternatives with you (more on that below).
Involve your friends and family
Share your intentions with friends and family so they can help support you, especially if you have some upcoming events in the diary and need an alcohol free wingman. You might find someone interested in joining in with you, so you can support each other through the month. Try planning some alternative activities where you might have usually met-up for a drink, like a coffee date, a walk or learning a new skill together. You can also have a search online for challenge and support groups to help with accountability.

Take a pause
Think about when you would usually reach for a glass of wine or pint of beer and take a pause before you do. Try to identify why you want a drink (is it habit or boredom?) and then break the cycle by planning an alternative activity instead. Is it usually when you get home from work? Could you make a coffee instead and read a book? Or maybe it’s the end of the week when you’d usually meet friends at the pub. Could you go for a walk or plan a cinema trip? Who knows, once you’ve done something a bit different, maybe you won’t want that drink after all!

Stock up on alcohol free alternatives
There are so many great alcohol free options available that you can have fun experimenting and trying something new! At Willow Grange Farm Shop we have some fab alternatives so there’s no need to feel like you are missing out this Dry January. From alcohol free IPA and sparkling wine, to pre-mixed mocktails and spiced spirits (which comes in the most beautiful bottle) there’s something to suit different tastes.
Celebrate your wins
Don’t forget to take note of your achievements as you progress through Dry January. That could be making it through each week, an event or just an evening! You could write down how breaking from alcohol has made you feel, whether it is clearer skin, better sleep or more energy. And reward yourself with a favourite treat, like along bath, or an episode of your favourite show.

By planning ahead and having good supporters on your side, hopefully your trip through Dry January will be easier than you thought! We hope to see you at the Farm Shop soon to stock-up on all your January essentials.